What can I expect?
Semi-monthly Meetings
We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 6:00pm- 7:00pm.
Meetings are a helpful way to meet people, learn and try out new skills, hear about trend news and ideas, exercise your curiosity, and most importantly, get involved in service opportunities. As with any worthwhile endeavor, you must participate to be most effective. We ask that you attend at least two meetings a month, but the meetings may be at any Rotary Club in the world.
Service through Action
Our club is very active in the community and conducts a variety of projects, community events, and fundraisers. We hope that you will apply your skills, experience, resources and passion to conceive, lead or help with an event or service project about which you feel strongly. The power of Rotary is that each local club chooses its own projects. Some projects require just funding, but most require stewardship and hands-on help from the club's members. An individual member may also participate via a more narrowly focused "Rotary Action Group" that specializes in a particular area, such as polio eradication or human trafficking prevention, for examples. The opportunities are almost unlimited and so is the sense of personal satisfaction we hope you will feel. You'll be assigned to one or more committees, aligned with your interests, and you'll be invited to join others. An estimate is at least 10- 12 hours or more per year for service activities.
International Travel
Some Rotarians take their service to a higher level by participating in international service projects. These are less frequent, often arduous trips to developing countries with dire need, and some are limited to professionals like medical or engineering. Keep your eyes and ears open for news about travel service opportunities, and let the club president and international service committee chairperson know you are interested. Rotarians from our club and our district have reported that after traveling on one of these international service commitments, their lives have been changed!
Dues are $150 per year, and are billed semiannually. In addition to dues, we also encourage a minimum donation of $30 to the Rotary Foundation to continue our support of the fantastic work that the Rotary Foundation does.
Our Rotary Club sponsors its own 501(c)(3) charitable trust. It can accept tax deductible charitable donations. The club directs how funds are disbursed, and usually prefers to address local community needs. You may make tax deductible charitable donations in an amount appropriate to your own situation via the club's treasurer.
The Rotary Foundation is much larger and has its own board of trustees. It funds six Focus Areas around the globe. You may make tax deductible donations online, by check, or via the local club's treasurer. Recognition is given to individuals when the total of their cumulative donations reaches $1,000. The club urges every member to give at least $100 each year. Your semi-annual dues invoice will include an optional base donation of $15.00.
Will it be worth it?
"Imagine if we could take a snapshot capturing all of the work Rotary does on a given day. No one- except Rotarians- would believe that a single organization was capable of accomplishing so much. In that snapshot you would see dedicated volunteers working to eradicate polio, setting up microloans. providing clean water, mentoring youth and countless other actions. We can do all this thanks both to our geographic reach and to the fact that our clubs are made up of people who are engaged in their communities. As part of the community that you serve, you know the needs, you have the connections, and you're able to take immediate action." Those are the words of Barry Rasin, President of Rotary International. Will it be worth it? Come try it and see for yourself.