The Scarborough Middle School Interact Club is off to a great start. The Interactors just finished making their own video- a commercial for their school news show to promote a book drive they are doing for book the school in Nigeria. That project is being funded by a Rotary Grant awarded to the Saco Bay Rotary Club.  After a number of cuts (due to excessive giggles) they had a finished product. At their bi-weekly meeting Thursday the middle schoolers decorated boxes to put around the school to collect the books.


Mr. Cronin, a middle school math teacher, has volunteered to be the advisor and let the students use his room every other Thursday.  Emma Koukos and Emma Lynch, two Interact students from the High School are leading the club.  They are both RYLA graduates and came back to the High School ready to find ways to make a difference. They met with Principal Hathorn and Mr. Cronin and made it happen!